3°Mandela : Write a story

Les élèves de 3° Mandela ont dû faire fonctionner leur imagination : à partir d'une situation donnée, ils devaient créer le dialogue entre les personnages.

Voici le sujet qui leur a été donné : Josh and Kate live in a cruel world. They have escaped from prison and are now separated. they've spent days alone, lost in the forest. In the next scene, the two characters find each other again.

In their conversation, they mention that they are happy to find each other again and they talk about their experiences. Josh wants to go and find help for Kate. Kate refuses. They argue. Josh leaves for help.

Vous pouvez essayer de créer vos propres dialogues : à vos claviers!




Josh and Kate live in a cruel world. They have escaped from prison and they are separated . They have spent days alone in the forest. Now, they meet again in a little house where Josh took refuge three days before.
"Kate?! Where were you?!" exclaimed Josh, he was surprised to see his friend.
"Josh, I'm happy to see you again." replied Kate tiredly.
"But, where were you ?" enquired Josh.
I was lost in the forest, I was scared!" answered Kate.
I was so worried for you Kate! What happened in this forest ?" asked Josh inquisitively. 
"I have been looking for someone who could help me for three days, but I haven't found anyone! On the first evening, a wolf attacked me and bit my leg. So I ran in the dark forest, between trees whose branches scratched my face." muttered Kate nervously.
"You are hurt, aren't you? Can I see it ?" Josh interrupted her.
"No, it's not bad. And you, Josh, what did you do?" said Kate direly.

"I was worried about you! After we escaped, I found a little house and I took refuge inside. At first, I was looking for food but on the second night, policemen came here to search for us."

"So what did you do?" enquired Kate impatiently.

"I hid and I did not make noise. A few hours later, the policemen had sought everywhere except in the winery. Suddenly, I saw the door open, I held my breath and I heard a shout. A policeman had walked on a mouse and turned back." told Josh joyfully.

"Oh, that is why I saw two men dressed in blue who were laughing." added Kate.

"Yes, and then I came out to find traces of you. But crows attacked and injured me." announced Josh.

"So you are hurt too ?" muttered Kate drily.

"Yes, as a result, I was looking for clothes. And what happened to you then?"

"I have eaten all I could : insects, leaves, berries, ... And after thrre long days, I found a refuge, this house, and I havefound you... Ouch!" cried Kate loudly.

"What do you have?" wondered Josh.

"Oh my God Josh! My leg!" screamed Kate abruptly.

He rolled up her trousers and discovered a deep and bloody wound.

"Kate, why didn't you say it before? Don't move, I will get help." mentioned Josh worriedly.

"No! Josh! Please stay here, I don't need help!" Kate ordered Josh.

"I insist Kate, it's a serious wound!" Josh told Kate.

Océane et Armelle

The scene takes place in a forest, in front of a small house. Josh and Kate meet again and tell each other about their adventure in the forest.

"Kate! I'm so happy to meet you again! I'm very worried about you!" announced Josh.

"Me too!" said Kate.

Josh and Kate embraced, and Kate cried .

"Ouch! I broke my arm, when I fell on a rock... and I have some scratches because I also fell in thorns..." said Kate.

"Hey, I'm sorry!" declared Josh, "me too, I met a big grizzly when I came out of this house, to find food... It was not nice..." whispered Josh.

"A bear! It's very dangerous!" exclaimed Kate.

"How did you get out of this situation ?"

"What did you expect? I'm the best !" boasted Josh, "all right, I was lucky... a bit lucky..." he admitted, "a branch fell on the bear's head and it knocked it down." He explained.

"Oh, it's a miracle!" She declared.

"Yes, I agree." wispered Josh."Your arm is broken, you have some scratches. It is necessary to go and get some help."

"No, it's fine, I will treat my wounds on my own. Don't leave me alone : I just want to remind you that there are bears in this place!" She retorted.

"I won't leave you in that situation . I'm going to go there. Have a rest in the house." Told Josh.

Josh ran through the forest and Kate stayed in the house.

Lucie and Louise


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